Air Conditioning
These days, air conditioning (AC) is no longer a luxury. 当室外温度飙升时,你想要空调系统给你的房间带来凉爽舒适 Oregon home.
At Advanced Air, our team of heating 制冷专家可以帮助你控制你想要的舒适程度. As a company, 我们坚持专业的教育和培训,为您带来最先进的技术和技巧. 你可以放心,我们会向你推荐你所需要的.
With our years of experience in the Medford, OR, area, 你可以信赖我们为你安装空调, replacement, repair, and maintenance. 我们与所有品牌和型号的空调合作,所以这永远不是您的问题. Your satisfaction means everything to us.
How Much Money Can a New Air Conditioner Save You?
我们的SEER2(季节性能源效率比)节能计算器可以帮助你确定你可以节省多少水电费. 只需输入当前单元的SEER值,并将其与更新,更高效的SEER2单元进行比较. 你甚至可以定制它来更好地匹配你家里的系统,以获得更准确的计算.
SEER2 Energy Savings Calculator
{{ seerOld }} SEER vs {{ seerNew }} SEER2
{{ annualSavingsPercent() }}%
Annual Cost
Annual Cost
Estimated 15-Year Savings:*
${{ projectedSavings }}
{{ year }} {{ state }} average residential electricity
retail price of {{ price }}¢/kWH**.
*Based on an average annual utility rate increase of {{
avgUtilityIncrease }}%.
这个计算器不保证实际的成本或节省,只是 to be used for educational purposes.
Customize to Your Home
Adjust these settings for a more accurate calculation:
Rate (¢/kWH)
Average Annual Cooling Hours***
Historical Comparison
{{ yearFifteenYearsAgo }}
{{ priceFifteenYearsAgo }}¢/kWH
{{ yearTenYearsAgo }}
{{ differenceTenYears }}
{{ priceTenYearsAgo }}¢/kWH
{{ yearFiveYearsAgo }}
{{ differenceFiveYears }}
{{ priceFiveYearsAgo }}¢/kWH
{{ year }}
{{ differenceCurrentYear }}
{{ price }}¢/kWH
** Data from U.S. Energy Information Administration
*** Data from 2002 EPA study
** Data for Canadian cities from
*** Data from
Air Conditioning Installation and Replacement
如果你的空调已经到了无法维修的地步,或者你家的能源效率处于历史最低水平, you may need a new system. When your Medford, OR, home is ready for a new or replacement air conditioner, 我们的高级空气专家将立即安装您的冷却系统.
你怎么知道你是否需要更换空调? Here are some of the most common issues. Your unit is:
- 接近生命周期的,通常在15到20年之间. 随着系统寿命的临近,效率会降低. 您需要主动行动,计划您的替代购买,而不是在系统意外退出时被动行动. This can save you money.
- Experiencing more and more repairs. 就像你的车需要越来越多的修理一样,评估的时候到了. 你花在维修上的钱比买新系统的钱还多吗? If the answer is yes, call and talk 与我们的一位知识渊博的团队成员讨论您的选择.
- Showing signs of running inefficiently. 你怎么知道你的空调是否运行效率低下? 一个很好的迹象是,如果你的能源账单在增加,而你的公用事业公司的费率保持稳定.
这通常表明加热需要更长的时间, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system 让你俄勒冈州的家降温到你喜欢的舒适水平. 在这种情况下,您的系统运行时间更长,消耗的能量比正常情况下要多——这就增加了能源成本.
如果你注意到你的空调有这些迹象, 或者如果你怀疑有其他原因需要更换, talk to one of our Advanced Air team members. 我们将根据您的舒适需求和预算设计出最适合您的系统. Our experts are always here to help you.
We also offer several financing options to help if this is a concern. 正规赌足球的软件,讨论我们的团队如何指导您完成我们的流程.
Air Conditioning Repairs
在俄勒冈州最热的日子里,你的空调不工作可能会让人恼火. 当您需要维修时,让我们的加热和冷却专家迅速为您补救.
有很多方法可以让你的空调停止正常工作. A few symptoms you could experience are:
- Hearing an unusual noise
- Smelling an unusual odor like burning
- Feeling warm air coming from your vents
- Noticing your air conditioner is frozen
- Leaking water
这些症状说明你的空调出了问题. 忽视问题通常只会让问题变得更大、代价更高. 我们的建议是让我们的高级空气团队成员之一及时诊断和修复问题.
When you do need our professionals to make a repair, you can count on it staying repaired. 我们使我们的维修正确的第一次,只使用最高质量的零件和材料时,您的系统工作. Our experts are always here for you.
Air Conditioning Maintenance
让你的空调处于最佳运行状态是你的目标. You want your system inspected, cleaned, 并定期调整,以帮助避免意外和昂贵的维修和故障.
我们训练有素,经验丰富的先进空气团队的日常维护,帮助您的空调降温 Medford, OR, home efficiently and reliably. With annual professional care, 您可能会体验到维护方面的好处,例如提高能源效率, extended system life span, and decreased emergencies.
为了帮助您管理您的维护,请与我们讨论我们的维护计划, Advanced Air Residential Comfort Club. 你的空调调试和检查是计划的一部分, 所以今天打电话和我们受过良好教育的友好团队成员谈谈我们的项目.
Trust Advanced Air With All Your Air Conditioning Needs
我们提供您所需的所有正规赌足球的软件,以达到您想要的冷却舒适水平 Medford, OR, home from your air conditioner. Call Advanced Air at 541-772-6866 or request service online 今天安排您的空调安装,更换,维修或维护.
Emergency Service
“The company and technicians are superior! 俄勒冈州梅德福镇的其他企业也可以学习专业知识! 当预定的时间不合适时,他们就在同一天给了我一个不同的时间. Who does that? Technicians also on top of their game”
“先进的空气总是在我们需要的时候出现. 他们非常专业,反应非常及时. Couldn’t ask for anything better. Thank you guys”